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Employment Program: CIRCLES (Comprehensive Integrated Resources for CalWorks Limited English Speakers) is a job readiness and employment program for limited English-speaking CalWorks recipients. CIRCLES offers intensive ESL and vocational skill classes, computer training, one-on-one counseling, support groups, job readiness training, job placement, access to transitional work experience, career advancement services and assistance with transportation and childcare services.

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Sanction Services: In collaboration with Bay Area Legal Aid, we help CalWorks families who have been cut off from cash aid or food stamps. We provide legal advocacy and support services to families encountering barriers in their transition from welfare to work.

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After-School Tutoring Program: Our tutoring program is in collaboration with New Hope Covenant Church and Oakland Ready to Learn. We provide academic tutoring with trained adult and high school volunteers on Mondays through Thursdays. Our goal is to eventually recruit enough volunteers so we can match them up with a youth to be their mentor for the year. As mentors, these volunteers will be assisting the youth in any ways they can and be a positive role model for them.

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Violence Prevention/Cultural Education Program: This program is offered twice a week. It meets every Friday, and the other day is selected depending on the activity and/or schedule. We offer a series of violence prevention and leadership/cultural education. The workshops include displays of various types of artwork, performances of traditional Khmer dances, and learning about Cambodian history and culture. Through the activities, we want our youth to realize the significance of their Cambodian identity and know the importance of their role in their community. Through traditional Khmer dance performances, the youth are able to raise awareness and promote Khmer culture.

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Health Care Links: The Health Care Links project identifies Cambodian community members who do not have health insurance and links them to the Healthy Families program and/or MediCal.

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Legal Clinic: The Legal Clinic, which CCDI conducts once a month in collaboration with Asian Law Caucus, provides clients with information on naturalization, deportation, INS detention, public interest parolees, affidavits for support, family-based petitions, Violence Against Women Act petitions (for abused spouses), and more. Once a month, we partner with Bay Area Legal Aid to provide clients with information on CalWorks sanction, medical issues, SSI, etc.

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Senior Citizenship Services: We provide citizenship classes twice a week, as well as one-on-one sessions. We translate and transport clients to and from their interviews.

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Senior Support Services: We provide health education and assist in reading and filling out paperwork. We raise awareness regarding services that are available to the Cambodian Community.

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